Jabloune Hanah, Sayira Maruf en Sarah Scheepers, Wat is eerbaar aan geweld? Cahier over ‘eer’- en gendergerelateerd geweld voor professionelen, Ella vzw, België.
It is true that you may not notice that a woman is mutilated if you don’t pay attention, just like a gynaecologist at the Free Clinic said. You can’t miss that a woman is infibulated, but if she is excised, you may not see it. Gynaecologists and doctors don’t always check if there is a clitoris. And if you don’t mention it, the woman is not likely to do so either!
When I looked at all that was done at the level of prevention against FGM and when I took a step back, I had the feeling that everything was meant for raising awareness amongst women. In most of the books I read, I observed that a lot of things were done for women not to let their children, their daughters, undergo FGM. But I didn’t see, or barely did, actions that focused on men, dads. But I think that most of the societies that are affected by FGM are patriarchal societies. That is to say that men have the “power”, or the authority, officially or not.
The care philosophy of CeMAViE relies on a multidisciplinary support that is very topical in medical care. A lot of pathologies are now dealt with in a transversal manner, by different specialists at the same time. The idea is to avoid that the patient goes to different doctors throughout a few months. When the problems are related to one another, we try to make doctors see their patients here. In other words, doctors move and the patient doesn’t instead of the usual opposite. This is why I decided to settle in the perineum clinic which has been devised for multidisciplinary community care.
DIELEMAN Myriam, Excision et Migration en Belgique francophone: Rapport de recherche de l’Observatoire du sida et des sexualités pour le GAMS Belgique, Bruxelles, Ed. GAMS Belgique, 2010.