Supporting the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation in the Context of Migration
OIM, Promouvoir l’Abandon des Mutilations Génitales Féminines dans le Contexte Migratoire, Genève, 2008
OIM, Promouvoir l’Abandon des Mutilations Génitales Féminines dans le Contexte Migratoire, Genève, 2008
Conseil de l’Europe, Convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la prévention et la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes et la violence domestique (Convention d’Istanbul) Mutilations génitales féminines, ?
Homeyard C., Hill V., Maternity Guideline for the Care of Women who have been affected by Female Genital Mutilation, Barking, Havering and Redbrigde University Hospitals (NHS), UK, ?
Homeyard C., Hill V., Maternity Guideline for the Care of Women who have been affected by Female Genital Mutilation, Barking, Havering and Redbrigde University Hospitals (NHS), UK, ?
HM Government, Working Together to
Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, March 2013
HM Government, Multi-Agency Practice Guidelines: Female Genital Mutilation, UK, 2014
HM Government, Multi-Agency Practice Guidelines: Female Genital Mutilation, UK, 2014
Sanctuary for Families, Female Genital Mutilation in United States: Protecting Girls and Women in the U.S. from FGM and Vacation Cutting, New York, 2013.
Balisolo – Reportage: l’excision en Indonésie
There are some publications from Belgium: Cancal C: “Entrée libre à Fabienne Richard” ONE – air de familles n° 446 : Prévenir l’excision?